nationale gerechten | doro wat (gestoofde kip) |
Kenmerken |
Temperatuur | Beste tijd voor een reis |
Officiële landsnaam | Federale Democratische Republiek Ethiopië |
Hoofdstad | Addis Abeba |
Nationaliteit | Ethiopier |
Talen | overig |
Visum nodig? | Ja |
Munteenheid | Birr (ETB) |
Regeringsvorm | federale republiek |
Grootte t.o.v. Nederland | 27.1 keer groter |
Bevolking | 78.3 miljoen |
Bevolkingsdichtheid t.o.v. Nederland | 5.8 keer lager |
Laagste punt | -125 m |
Hoogste punt | 4533 m |
Ethiopia is one of Africa's top birding destinations, harbouring dramatic scenery, a wonderful diversity of habitats, over 30 endemic species, and a n... meer
Ethiopia is one of Africa's top birding destinations, harbouring dramatic scenery, a wonderful diversity of habitats, over 30 endemic species, and a number of other regional specialities that cannot be easily seen anywhere else in the world. No self-respecting world lister can afford not to go there!
This new book is a comprehensive site guide to the 50 best birding sites in the country. Each site describes how to get there, what you can see there, and when to visit. A number of full colour maps complement the site texts, and GPS co-ordinates allow sites to be located with great accuracy. A section covering the top 50 species gives details of how to see each of these special birds. The book is completed with an annotated checklist of all the country's birds and more than 150 photographs of birds, habitats and even some of Ethiopia's other fauna and flora.
About the Author(s)
Claire Spottiswoode is an acknowledged authority on Ethiopia’s birds and has undertaken much research on its endemics. Merid Gabremichael is Ethiopia’s top bird tour guide. Julian Francis has visited the region several times and is co-author of an earlier guide to a selection of the best birding sites.
Ethiopië heeft een zeer afwisselende natuur. Er zijn veertien Nationale parken te vinden. U treft er watervallen, vulkanen, bergen, zo... meer
Vakantiebestemmingen met vergelijkbare kenmerkenMisschien bent u ook geïnteresseerd in andere vakantielanden met de volgende kenmerken: |
Reis en Vakantie Top 10Ethiopië is vertegenwoordigd in de volgende reis top10's: